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Web 2 SMS

With our Web to TXT service, you're able to automate the sending of text messages from your website or devices. You will need credit in your account to send a message as TXT messages cost $0.10c +GST.


https://websms.co.nz/api/send.php?username=[email protected]&password=mypassword&premium=0&cellnum=64271234567&message=this is a test again

Optionally you can add
- For DLR Report

  • Replace [email protected] with your username
  • Replace mypassword with your password
  • Replace 64271234567 with the phone number to send to
  • Replace this is a test again with the message you wish to send (160 chars)


  • If you wish for a deliver report notification, replace http://www.yoururl.co.nz/delivery-report.php
  • If you want Delivery Reports (DLRs) use the premium=1 route (2c+GST extra per message).

    Message codes

    OK:Queued:109720 - Message was added to the queue with message ID 109720
    NOK:Funds:You do not have enough funds - Your account had insufficient funds
    NOK:Login:Invalid Username or Password - Invalid username or password


    The DLR URL is Optional, if you chose to use it we will post delivery reports for the message ID back to your webserver. You will need to create a delivery report page to capture the data and update your database. - - [04/Apr/2012:08:24:45 +1200] "GET /delivery-report.php?id=109720&dlr=8 HTTP/1.1 - - [04/Apr/2012:08:24:52 +1200] "GET /delivery-report.php?id=109720&dlr=1 HTTP/1.1

    As per above, we got 2 delivery reports for message ID 109720.

    Reply Messages

    Reply messages will still be received via your registered email address however we will also call your DLR URL with the reply variable so you can process the reply internally to your CRM. - - [04/Apr/2012:08:25:25 +1200] "GET /delivery-report.php?id=+109720&reply=Reply Text

    DLR Descriptions

    DLR 16 - SMSC Rejected
    DLR 8 - Message Queued
    DLR 4 - Message Buffered
    DLR 2 - Delivery Failure
    DLR 1 - Message Delivered

    Please note that sometimes a message may be delivered to the handset & have a DLR of 8 (Message queued) and may never get a DLR 1 (Message Delivered). This is not very common but can happen when overloading occurs on the destination SMSC. We have been told that the provider would prefer to reserve resources to delivere messages rather than delivery reports.

    Balance Check

    You can check your balance with the API too, simply add &balance=true to the URL. For Example
    http://websms.co.nz/api/send.php?username=[email protected]&password=mypassword&balance=true

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